Posted on Jan 26, 2018

As you’ve heard by now, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) includes a number of changes that will affect individual taxpayers in 2018 and beyond. Significant attention has been given to the reduced tax rates for most individuals and the new limit on deducting state and local taxes. But there is more to the story. Here’s a summary of some of the lesser-known provisions in the new law.

Repeal of the ACA Penalty for Individuals

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires individuals to pay a penalty if they aren’t covered by a health plan that provides at least minimum essential coverage. That penalty is also known as the “shared responsibility payment.” Unless an exception applies, the penalty is imposed for any month that an individual doesn’t have minimum essential coverage in effect.

The new tax law permanently repeals the ACA penalty for individuals for months beginning in 2019. But the penalty is still in force for all of 2018. The new tax law doesn’t change the ACA mandate for employers, however.

Revamped “Kiddie Tax”

Under prior law (in effect before the TCJA), unearned income of children above an annual threshold was taxed at their parents’ rates if those rates were higher. This so-called “kiddie tax” is imposed on individuals up to age 24 if they’re full-time students. For 2017, the unearned income threshold was $2,100. Unearned income beneath the threshold was taxed at the children’s rates. Earned income was also taxed at the children’s rates.

For 2018 through 2025, the TCJA stipulates that a child’s earned income is taxed at the standard rates for single taxpayers while unearned income is taxed using the rates and brackets that apply to trusts and estates. This change will make the kiddie tax much easier to calculate.

Restriction on Casualty and Theft Loss Deductions

For 2018 through 2025, the TCJA eliminates deductions for personal casualty and theft losses. However, it provides an exception for losses incurred in federally-declared disasters.

Another exception for losses, which aren’t due to federally-declared disasters, allows deductions for personal casualty and theft losses if the taxpayer has personal casualty gains. That happens when insurance proceeds exceed the basis of the damaged, destroyed or stolen property. In this situation, personal casualty and theft losses are allowed up to the amount of the taxpayer’s personal casualty gains.

Itemized Deduction Phase-Out Rule Eliminated

Under prior law, individuals with high levels of income were subject to a phase-out rule that could eliminate up to 80% of the most common itemized deductions, including the tax breaks for mortgage interest, property taxes and charitable donations.

For 2018 through 2025, the TCJA eliminates the itemized deduction phase-out rule. But some of the itemized deduction rules are changed (and limited) by other provisions in the new law. For example, the TCJA limits the deduction for state and local income and property taxes to a combined total of $10,000 ($5,000 for married people who file separately).

Changes to Charitable Deduction Rules

The TCJA also increases the charitable deduction limit for some gifts. Under prior law, the deduction for cash contributions to public charities and certain private foundations was limited to 50% of your adjusted gross income (AGI).

For 2018 and beyond, the new law increases the deduction limit to 60% of AGI. Deductions that are disallowed by the 60% rule can generally be carried forward for five years.

But not all changes to the charitable deduction rules are taxpayer friendly. The TCJA also eliminates deductions for donations to obtain seating rights at college athletic events, for 2018 and beyond.

Under prior law, you could treat 80% of such payments as a charitable donation if:

  • The payment was to or for the benefit of a college, and
  • The payment would be treated as a deductible charitable donation except for the fact that the payment entitled you to receive (directly or indirectly) the right to buy tickets to athletic events of the college.

Restrictions on Deducting Gambling-Related Expenses

For 2018 through 2025, the TCJA limits deductions for a year’s out-of-pocket gambling-related expenses and gambling losses (combined) to that year’s gambling winnings.

Under prior law, a professional gambler could deduct out-of-pocket gambling-related expenses as a business expense. Only deductions for actual gambling losses were limited to gambling winnings.

Sweeping Changes

The TCJA is the biggest piece of tax reform legislation that’s been enacted since the landmark Tax Reform Act of 1986. It’s expected to have a major impact on individual taxpayers in 2018. Want to learn more? Consult with your tax advisor; it’s never too soon to plan for this year and beyond.

New Law Eliminates Miscellaneous Itemized Deductions

The new tax law eliminates most itemized deductions, starting in 2018. Under prior law, the following deductions were deductible if they exceeded 2% of your adjusted gross income. For 2018 through 2025, this change eliminates deductions for a wide variety of expenses, such as:

Tax-Related Expenses

  • Tax preparation expenses,
  • Tax advice fees, and
  • Other fees and expenses incurred in connection with the determination, collection, or refund of any tax.

Expenses Related to Taxable Investments

  • Investment advisory fees and expenses,
  • Clerical help and office rent for office used to manage investments,
  • Expenses for home office used to manage investments,
  • Depreciation of computer and electronics used to manage investments,
  • Fees to collect interest and dividends,
  • Your share of investment expenses passed through to you from partnership, limited liability company or S corporation,
  • Safe deposit box rental fee for box used to store investment items and documents, and
  • Other investment-related fees and expenses.

Expenses Related to Production of Taxable Income

  • Hobby expenses (limited to hobby income),
  • IRA trustee/custodian fees if separately billed to you and paid by you as the account owner,
  • Loss on liquidation of traditional IRAs or Roth IRAs,
  • Bad debt loss for uncollectible loan made to employer to preserve your job, and
  • Damages paid to former employer for breach of employment contract.

Unreimbursed Employee Business Expenses

  • Education expenses related to your work as an employee,
  • Travel expenses related to your work as an employee,
  • Passport fees for business trips,
  • Professional society dues,
  • Professional license fees,
  • Subscriptions to professional journals and trade publications,
  • Home office used regularly and exclusively in your work as an employee and for the convenience of your employer,
  • Depreciation of a computer that your employer requires you to use,
  • Tools and supplies used in your work as an employee,
  • Union dues and expenses,
  • Work clothes and uniforms if required for your work and not suitable for everyday use,
  • Legal fees related to your work as an employee, and
  • Job search expenses to seek new employment in your current profession or occupation.
Posted on Jan 15, 2018

The most immediate concrete change the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) will bring about for employers is new payroll tax withholding rates. Here’s the latest word from the IRS: “We anticipate issuing the initial withholding guidance in January reflecting the new legislation, which would allow taxpayers to begin seeing the benefits of the change as early as February. The IRS will be working closely with the nation’s payroll and tax professional community during this process.”

Under the new law, the tax rates are 10%, 12%, 22%, 24%, 32%, 35% and 37%. Under prior law, the tax rates were 10%, 15%, 25%, 28%, 33%, 35% and 39.6%

Sexual Harassment Subject to Nondisclosure Agreement

Under the new law, effective for amounts  paid or incurred after December 22, 2017, no tax deduction is allowed for settlements, payouts, or attorney fees related to sexual harassment or sexual abuse if such payments are subject to a nondisclosure agreement.

In general, a taxpayer generally is allowed a deduction for ordinary and necessary expenses paid or incurred in carrying on a trade or business. However, among other exceptions, there’s no deduction for: illegal bribes, illegal kickbacks or other illegal payments; certain lobbying and political expenses; fines or similar penalties paid to a government for the violation of any law; and two-thirds of treble damage payments under the antitrust laws.

Family and Medical Leave

Another change involves tax incentives to encourage employers to pay employees — though not necessarily their full salaries — when they’re absent due to their own sickness or that of a family member. (Employers in several areas are already required to do so by  their own state laws.)

To receive a general business tax credit in 2018 and 2019, employers must grant full-time employees a minimum of two weeks of annual family and medical leave during which they receive at least half of their normal wages. Ordinary paid leave that employees are already entitled to, such as vacation or personal leave, or any form of leave already required by state and local laws, doesn’t qualify for the tax credit.

Employees whose paid family and medical leave is covered by this provision must have worked for the employer for a year or more, and not had pay in the preceding year exceeding 60% of the highly compensated employee threshold, set at $120,000 for 2018 (which works out to $72,000).

The minimum credit equals 12.5% of the eligible employee’s wages paid during that leave, up to a maximum of 25%. Within that range, the amount of the credit rises as employees are paid more than the minimum of half their normal compensation during their leave period. Employers that qualify may claim the tax credit for a maximum of 12 days per year of family and medical leave.

Save the Savings?

While most authors of the TCJA are probably hoping employees who will see a higher paycheck will use the difference to stimulate the economy by spending it immediately, there’s another scenario employers might consider: Employers that are concerned their employees aren’t saving enough for retirement could suggest that some might elect to “bank” their tax cut “raise” in the form of an increased 401(k) contribution.

One tool for motivating employees to save more for the future is to provide some illustrations of the long-term impact of a higher savings rate. For example, a $50 increase in 401(k) savings deducted from a biweekly paycheck would accumulate around $50,000 in greater savings over a 20-year period, assuming a 6% annual growth rate.

It’s also noteworthy that early versions of the TCJA would have drastically reduced employee opportunities to save for retirement in a 401(k) using pre-tax dollars. One proposal that would’ve hit many taxpayers hard would have limited contributions by requiring them to combine participation in multiple plans, including mandatory employee contributions to defined benefit pensions.

Those ideas were dropped.

401(k) Loan Rule Change

The TCJA did, however, make some technical changes in the retirement plan arena. Most notable is that the new law gives a break to plan participants that have outstanding 401(k) loan  balances when they leave their employers. Under current law, a participant with such a loan who fails to make timely payments due to his or her separation from the employer is deemed to have received a distribution in the amount of that outstanding balance, triggering adverse tax consequences. The participant, however, is permitted to roll that amount — assuming he or she has sufficient funds available — into an IRA without tax penalty if he or she does so within 60 days.

Under the new law, former employees in that situation have until the due date of their tax returns to move funds equal to the outstanding loan balances into IRAs without penalty. The same opportunity would apply if they were unable to repay their loans due to their plans’ termination.

Taxing Employee Awards

Some TCJA provisions affecting employee benefits seek to recoup tax relief granted in other parts of the law. For example, the TCJA tightens up the definition of employee achievement awards eligible for tax deductions on the part of employers, and exclusion from income taxation for the employees.

“Tangible” achievement awards still qualify, but the following award categories are no longer considered tangible: cash and cash equivalents, gift cards, gift coupons, gift certificates, vacations, meals, lodging, tickets to theater or sporting events, stocks and bonds.

The Inflation Effect and Other Changes

Another section of the law alters the inflation index used to periodically adjust the limits on contributions to health flexible spending accounts, health savings accounts, and the threshold for the value of health benefits subject to the 40% “Cadillac tax” (currently scheduled to take effect in 2020).

Instead of using the regular consumer price index (also known as the CPI-U), annual limit adjustments will be set using the “chained CPI-U.” That “chained” version tends to rise at a slower rate than the unchained index. The same formula change was made applicable to IRA contribution limits.

Finally, here are three other changes affecting employee benefits:

  • Employees’ ability to exclude the value of employer-provided reimbursements for moving expenses has been taken away. (An exception is made for active-duty military personnel, however.)
  • Employers can no longer deduct the cost of qualified transportation fringe benefits granted to employees, such as reimbursement for commuting expenses. And, similarly:
  • Employers can no longer deduct payments to employees who commute to work by bicycle.

When you add it all up, many employers and employees are likely to be happy with the overall effects of the TCJA. The task of digesting all the changes might cause a few headaches in the short run, however.

Posted on Dec 21, 2017

Tax Reform Law – Significant Changes Affecting Business

The new tax reform law, commonly called the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” (TCJA), is the biggest federal tax law overhaul in 31 years, and it has both good and bad news for taxpayers.

Below are highlights of some of the most significant changes affecting business. Except where noted, these changes are effective for tax years beginning after December 31, 2017.

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

  • Replacement of graduated C-corporation tax rates ranging from 15% to 35% with a flat rate of 21%
  • Repeal of AMT for C-corporations.
  • New 20% qualified business income deduction for owners of flow-through entities (such as partnerships, limited liability companies and S corporations) and sole proprietorships — through 2025. This is a highly complex provision with many limitations and nuances.  Individuals and trusts with an ownership interest in any non-C corporation business should meet with their tax advisor soon to make sure their business is situated to maximize the deduction for 2018.
  • Doubling of bonus depreciation to 100% and expansion of qualified assets to include used assetseffective for assets acquired and placed in service after September 27, 2017, and before January 1, 2023
  • Doubling of the Section 179 expensing limit to $1 million and an increase of the expensing phaseout threshold to $2.5 million
  • Other enhancements to depreciation-related deductions
  • New disallowance of deductions for net interest expense in excess of 30% of the business’s adjusted taxable income (exceptions apply). This is another new provision that has traps for the unwary.  Business that are highly leveraged should meet with their tax advisor to understand how this provision may affect their tax liability.
  • New limits on net operating loss (NOL) deductions.
  • Excess business losses for trusts and individuals are no longer available to offset non-business income and are treated as net operating losses.
  • Elimination of the Section 199 deduction, also commonly referred to as the domestic production activities deduction or manufacturers’ deduction — effective for tax years beginning after December 31, 2017, for noncorporate taxpayers and for tax years beginning after December 31, 2018, for C-corporation taxpayers
  • Changes the revenue threshold from average gross receipts for the three previous tax years of $10 million to $25 million:
    • Businesses are required to use the accrual method of accounting;
    • Businesses are required to capitalize certain non-direct costs under Section 263A;
    • Businesses with long-term contracts are required to use the percentage of completion;
  • New rule limiting like-kind exchanges to real property that is not held primarily for sale.
  • New tax credit for employer-paid family and medical leave — through 2019
  • New limitations on excessive employee compensation
  • New limitations on deductions for employee fringe benefits, such as entertainment and, in certain circumstances, meals and transportation

More to consider

This is just a brief overview of some of the most significant TCJA provisions. There are additional rules and limits that apply, and the law includes many additional provisions. Contact your Cornwell Jackson tax advisor to learn more about how these and other tax law changes will affect you in 2018 and beyond.


Scott Allen, CPA, joined Cornwell Jackson as a Tax Partner in 2016, bringing his expertise in the Construction and Oil and Gas industries, and 25 years of experience in the accounting field. As the Partner in Charge of the Tax practice at Cornwell Jackson, Scott provides proactive tax planning and tax compliance to all Cornwell Jackson tax clients. Contact him at or 972-202-8032.